Beverages with an innovative spirit
Reenforce the competitiveness of the small and medium companies
301.155,57 EUR
FEDER 114.231,43 EUR
Increase of the capability, flexibility and productive efficiency through the adoption of state-of-the-art production technologies indispensable of the growth sustainability;
Releasing new and innovative brands and concepts with high value income and a differentiating factor on the market aiming to answer the clients preferences and new patterns of consumption;
Strengthen the endogenous capacity of the I&D and creating the productive conditions, logistics and organizational necessary for a sustainable growth;
Granting high levels of quality and food safety through the adoption of the best practices of the sector;
Intensification of the international presence sustained on the entrance in new markets by releasing new products of high value income and creating niche products.
Remodeling works to the productive installments associated to the establishment of new productive points;
Acquisition of productive equipments in order to produce new beverages;
Studying and auditing the energetic efficiency and acquiring equipments in order to grant the incremental efficiency and saving resources;
Acquisition of control software and performance analysis of the productive equipments;
Acquisition of laboratory equipments with the objective to invest in certification of its products.
Increase in the installation production capacity by 120% and the yearly production volume in around 100%;
Reduction of 25% on the energetic consumption by produced unit;
Increase the sales volume and exportation volume;
Implement monitoring mechanisms and real time control of all the equipments;
Launch a range of three new products.